Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Smaller Laboratory Equipment for the Mad Scientist's Lair 25-28mm Scale Scenery

Here is an assortment of some smaller scale scenery pieces of equipment that could be used in your mad scientist's lair, in an industrial setting, or even on board a starship.

Small scale scenery piece suitable for science fiction war games or mad scientist's lair.
Small scale scenery piece suitable for science fiction war games or mad scientist's lair.
Small scale scenery piece suitable for science fiction war games or mad scientist's lair.

These little bits are nice to scatter about the game table.  You can use them as specific victory objectives (the hero has to move to the death ray control module to destroy it, the space pirates boarding party needs to access the ship security system to disable it, and so on).

Small scale scenery piece suitable for science fiction war games or mad scientist's lair.
Small scale scenery piece suitable for science fiction war games or mad scientist's lair.

Or they can be used simply as additional cover to protect your troops from enemy fire.

Small scale scenery piece suitable for science fiction war games or mad scientist's lair.
Small scale scenery piece suitable for science fiction war games or mad scientist's lair.

These scenery pieces are suitable for use with 15mm to 30mm scale miniatures in a variety of war game universes including science fiction, mad science, horror, pulp action, modern and more.
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